
Showing posts from August, 2020

Woof! Woof!

Woof! Woof!   Nyuk Nyuk! Double your pleasure! Double your fun! Pam Amick Klawitter gave this new blogger a double treat today, cleverly combining ten dogs into five answers. Chairman Moe, here. I DOUBLE DOG DARE you to not like this recap! Let's get started! 17. Pirates' offensive: SEAATTACK . SEA DOG , aka seal --> not to be confused with THIS Seal. ATTACK DOG . Examples: Rottweiler. Originally people bred these dogs for cattle protection. Bullmastiff. Dogs of this breed are known for their physical strength. German Shepherd. These dogs are bold, confident, powerful, and fearless. 23. Tour amenity: GUIDESERVICE . GUIDE DOG / SERVICE DOG . Kind of one in the same, no? 32. Homing pigeon, e.g.: DOMESTICBIRD . DOMESTIC DOG / BIRD DOG Though I am not a hunter, I owned a Springer Spaniel once, and she was primarily a domestic dog with great birding skills. 41. Newlyweds' adventure, maybe: HOUSEHUNTING . HOUSE DOG / HUNTING DOG . Is this another example of "...